
Physiology and Breeding

Assessment of root growth by perennial pasture grasses in an acid soil using novel DNA-based methods
Rebecca E Haling, Richard J Simpson, Richard A Culvenor, Hans Lambers and Alan E Richardson

An early maturing Trifolium subterraneum L. var. yanninicum with improved agronomic traits
Freya Pescott and Andrew Craig

Screening for drought resistance among a large number of Australian green couch grass (Cynodon spp.) ecotypes during canopy establishment 
Yi Zhou, Chris Lambrides, Shu Fukai, Van Thinh Tran and Duc The Ngo

A description of the plant structures of Microlaena stipoides, a grass species forming stolons and rhizomes
Meredith Mitchell, Jim Virgona, Joe Jacobs and David Kemp

Effect of planting date and daylength on establishment of Dorycnium hirustum
James Allwright, Peter Lane, David Parsons and Eric Hall

Comparison of functional food components in grain of high anthocyanin GM and non-GM rice 
Dong-Jin Lee and Muhammad Farooq