Crop Agronomy
Importance of different plant traits for dual-purpose cereal dry matter production and grain recovery in southern NSW
Mehrshad Barary and Peter Matthews
Drivers of system water use efficiency in cropping systems of Australia's northern grains zone
Lindsay W Bell, Andrew Zull, Darren Aisthorpe, David Lawrence, Andrew Verrell, Jon Baird, Andrew Erbacher, Jayne Gentry, Greg Brooke and Kaara Klepper
Evaluating wheat, barley and oats for early sowing in frost prone landscapes in Western Australia Wickepin 2017 and 2018
Ben Biddulph, Chloe Turner, Rebecca Smith, Sarah Jackson, Karyn Reeves and Dean Diepeveen
Can allele variation at PPD1 and VRN1 gene loci predict flowering time in wheat under controlled conditions?
Maxwell Bloomfield, James Hunt, Ben Trevaskis, Kerrie Ramm and Jessica Hyles
Horses for courses – benefits of adjusting canola sowing date and phenology choice based on fallow and in-crop rainfall
Rohan Brill, Andrew Ware, John Kirkegaard, Don McCaffery, Colin McMaster, Rick Graham and Cameron Taylor
Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) varietal evaluation for northwest Cambodian lowland rice systems
Harry E.G. Campbell-Ross, Sophea Yous, Robert J. Martin and Daniel K.Y. Tan
Management of early sown wheat: soil water requirements for establishment
Genevieve Clarke, Kenton Porker, James Hunt, Kelly Angel and Ashley Wallace
Frost response in lentil. Part 1. Measuring the impact on yield and quality
Audrey Delahunty, Eileen Perry, Ashley Wallace and James Nuttall
Quinoa agronomy in Western Australia
H.S.Dhammu, R. Snowball, M. Warmington, M.F. D’Antuono and D.L Sharma
Optimum sowing window to maximise canola yield in Western Australia
Imma Farre , Martin Harries , Jackie Bucat and Mark Seymour
Comparing the yield of reduced tillering wheat genotypes at different sowing densities
Andrew Fletcher, Greg Rebetzke and Gary Ogden
When to Irrigate? Testing the technologies available to estimate soil water in cotton systems
Harry Gaynor, Patrick Filippi, Rose Brodrick and Daniel K.Y. Tan
Yield responses to sowing date of wheat in southern NSW: one cultivar doesn't fit all
Felicity Harris, Rick Graham, Peter Matthews, David Burch, Eric Koetz, Ian Menz, Colin McMaster and Michael Mumford
Learning from progressive wheat growers: a case-study for the Wheat Yield Content in Kansas, US
Romulo Lollato, Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Erick DeWolf, Mary Knapp, Dallas Peterson and Allan Fritz
Stem elongation Frost damage in Cereals in southern NSW
D.Malcolm, R. Brill, C. McMaster, H. Petty, R. Maccallum, K. Reeves and B. Biddulph
A survey of winter crop establishment in the southern and western regions
Glenn McDonald, Sarah Noak, Claire Browne, David Minke, Jon Midwood, Stefan Schmitt, Genevieve Clark, Emma Pierce, Ashley Amgouris, Olena Kravcuc and Enqi Wu
Precision planting in canola and lentil
Glenn McDonald, Claire Browne, Sarah Noack and Stefan Schmitt
Practising precision I: A basis for making precision pay
Hazel McInerney, Jon Medway and Peter McInerney
Practising precision II: Making precision pay
Hazel McInerney, Peter McInerney and Jon Medway
Risks and rewards of growing pulse crops in the low rainfall Mallee cropping region
Michael Moodie, Todd McDonald, Nigel Wilhelm and Ray Correll
Delayed harvest affects lentil quality grade
Richie Mould, Christine Walela, Larn McMurray, Helena Oakey and Penny Roberts
Quantifying sources of N inefficiency in Mediterranean semi-arid cropping systems
Niloufar Nasrollahi, James R Hunt, Caixian Tang and David J Cann
Management of early sown wheat: matching genotype to environment
Kenton Porker, James Hunt, Felicity Harris, Sarah Noack, Michael Moodie, Kelly Angel, Michael Straight, Genevieve Clarke, Dylan Bruce, Ashley Wallace, Neil Fettell, Greg Brooke, Helen McMillan, Barry Haskins, Mick Brady, Todd McDonald, Brenton Spriggs, Sue Buderick and Darcy Warren
Key constraints to irrigated wheat yields in the southern Murray-Darling Basin
Sam North, Alex Schultz and Don Griffin
Frost Response in Lentil. Part 2. Detecting early frost damage using proximal sensing
Eileen Perry, Audrey Delahunty, James Nuttall , Alex Clancy and Ashley Wallace
A systems agronomy for sorghum in the Northern Grains Region
Daniel Rodriguez and Peter de Voil
Management and environment dictate tillering in grain sorghum, in combination with genetics
Loretta Serafin, Mark Hellyer, Andrew Bishop and Annie Warren
Quinoa in the Riverina
David Troldahl, Richard Snowball, Harmohinder Dhammu and Mario D’Antuono
Effect of sowing time, sowing rate and soil water regime on yield, water use efficiency and soil water dynamics of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Dr Ketema Zeleke