
Conservation Farming and Stubble Management

Management - a constraint to the early adoption of conservation cropping in the South Burnett?
P.N. Vancea and S. Chamalab

Conservation farming methods for western New South Wales
N.A. Fettell

Conservation farming in northern N.S.W. - a six year case study
R.H. Colless

Conservation tillage in southern New South Wales
I.J. Packer, G.J. Hamilton, B. Craze and R. Doust

Soil conservation effectiveness of stubble in different tillage practices
I.J. Packer and R. Doust

Effect of rotations and stubble treatments on soil fertility and crop yields
J.E. Schultz

Stubble retention in N.E. Victoria
G.R. Steed and T.G. Reeves

Water use by weeds growing in stubbles
J.W. Cookea, S.T. Willattb and G.W. Fordc

Weed response to crop stubbles
C.E. Purvis, A.S. Jessop and J.V. Lovett

Tobacco crop residue management at Mareeba
P.E. Tonello, E.J. Gilbert, K.H. Ferguson and J. von Nordheim