Crop Management, Populations, Canopy Structure

Canopy architecture and nitrogen utilisation for biomass production: the contrast between maize and sunflower
A.M. Massignam, S.C. Chapman, G.L Hammer, and S Fukai

Modification of Within-canopy Microclimate in Maize for Intercropping in the Lowland Tropics
I K. D. Jaya, C. J. Bell and P. W. Sale

Compensatory and competitive ability of two canola cultivars
B. Lythgoe, R.M. Norton, M.E. Nicolas and D.J. Connor

Effects of plant population on pyrethrins yield of pyrethrum, (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) in Tasmania
D. Fulton, R. Clark, and A. Fulton

High Sowing Rates Reduce Seed Weight in Canary Seed (Phalaris canariensis L.)
J.F. Ford, R.M. Norton, S.E. Knights and R.G. Flood

Faba bean seeding rates for central and southern NSW
P.W. Matthews, D.J. Carpenter, A. Smith and N.A. Fettell

Unique root mass in Australia’s rice
A.J. Robson, R.L. Williams and T.C Farrell

Earliness Management Systems for Cotton Production
G.N. Roberts and G.A. Constable

Achieving the Genetic Potential of Peanuts in Irrigated Production Systems
G.C. Wright, N.C. Rachaputi, D. White, M. Robertson, J. Tonks, P. Burrill, S. Ginns and K. Bullen