

Hedysarum, a new temperate forage legume with great potential - Field Evaluation
Carolyn de Koning, David Lloyd, Steve Hughes, Don McLachlan, Graham Crocker, Suzanne Boschma and Andrew Craig

Perennial ryegrass survival through summer
Raquel Waller, Peter Sale and Geoffrey Saul

Are mixtures of annual pasture legumes more productive and persistent than monocultures on the low rainfall alkaline soils of southern Australia? 
Jake Howie

Effect of different rates of dairy effluent on turnip DM yields and nutritive characteristics
Joe Jacobs and Graeme Ward

Effect of timing and intensity of drought on the seed yield of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). 
Richard J. Martin, Richard N. Gillespie, Shane Maley and Maryann Robson.

Trifolium spumosum L. an exciting prospective legume for fine textured soils in Mediterranean farming systems
Angelo Loi, Bradley Nutt, Rochelle McRobb and Stephen J. Carr

The change in the proportions of annual legume species in response to the presence of lucerne and the addition of gypsum.
B.S. Dear, R. Hayes, G.A. Sandral, A.D. Swan, M.B. Peoples, B.A. Orchard, K.Y. Chan and A. Oates

Effects of pasture management and liming history on pasture and wheat performance in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia 
Anyou Liu and Clinton Revell

Comparing sulfur sources for pastures on light sandy soils
Andrew Speirs, David Harbison, Peter Flavel, and Chris Dyson

Seasonal changes in feed quality of Dorycnium spp.
Simon R. Davies and Peter A. Lane

Use of paired soil and plant tests to set soil fertility targets for subterranean clover-based pastures
Richard Simpson, David Marshall and Alan Richardson