
New Crops & Crop Products

The growth and development of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) in central western New South Wales
Jack Cooper

A new temperate forage legume with great potential – breeding new cultivars of Hedysarum
David Lloyd, Carolyn de Koning, Steve Hughes, Brian Johnson, and Don McLachlan

Crambe: A North Dakotan case study
Sue Knights

Biopolymers from crops: their potential to improve the environment 
David Michael

Evaluation of agronomic characters of mulberry varieties in South East Queensland
Loko Anota, Madan Gupta and Doug George

Evaluation of improved lines of guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) for commercial rubber
Premawansa Dissanayake, Doug George and Madan Gupta

The search for alternative safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars adapted to southeastern Australia with improved marketability
David Jochinke, Nick Wachsmann, Sue Knights, Trent Potter and Brian Field