Committee and Publication Information


The 16th Australian Agronomy Conference was hosted by the University of New England on 14th to 18th October 2012. The Conference theme was "Capturing Opportunities and Overcoming Obstacles in Australian Agronomy". 

Committee Members:

President: Graeme Blair, UNE Armidale
Deputy President: Guy Mcmullen, DPI, Tamworth
Vice president:  Holgar Minke UT Hobart
Immediate Past-President: John Angus, CSIRO, Canberra 
Secretary: Suzanne Boschma, DPI, Tamworth
Assistant Secretary: Malem McLeod, DPI, Tamworth
Treasurer: Nelly Blair, Ourfing Partnership
Assistant Treasurer: Craig Birchell, UNE
Editor: Isa Yunusa, UNE
Tour Coordinator: Graeme Schwenke, DPI, Tamworth
Publicity: Jim Scott, UNE
Registrations: Rebecca Haling
Breakout sessions: Ian Rochester, CSIRO, Narrabri
Consultant’s liaison: Pete McKenzie, Agricultural Extension and Consulting Services.

Citation should be as follows:

Author (2010) Abstract title, In: I.Yunusa (Ed). "Capturing Opportunities and Overcoming Obstacles in Australian Agronomy". Proceedings of 16th Australian Agronomy Conference 2012, 14-18 October 2012, Armidale, NSW. Australia. Australian Society of Agronomy Inc.

Copyright © 2012.
Individual authors retain copyright in abstracts published in the Abstracts Book and papers published online for the 15th ASA Conference 2010.